Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Some ideas generated yesterday (dot & pin):
*start up screen, user has to drag plug of a razor into socket, razor moves in S shape along screen to reveal interior of barber shop.
*each chair in shop represents different group of people in nottingham (either accessorized or different types of music plays for each one) user clicks and chooses one.
*mannequin appears with hair magazine/ appointment card and user chooses various styles, colours until happy.
*pay at checkout and magazine format appears with ability to allow user to browse through photos around nottingham and hairstyles found.

Sounds we could use:
* Hair Clippers
* Plug going into socket
* Background shop noise
* Hairspray/Products squirting
* Scissors snipping
* Phone ringing
* Door swinging
* Magazine pages turning
* Water running/washing/bubbles popping
* Different sorts of music stlyes

Group meeting 2pm 20/11 Bonington cafe :-)

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